Bringing more zen to your home

Home is somewhere we can relax and take a breather from the outside world. However, since the pandemic, we’ve been spending a lot more time at home than expected. Now, more than ever, we need our homes to be a sanctuary for us.

Here are some ways you can bring more zen to your home:

Less clutter, more calm

If you dig through your closet, you’re sure to find at least a few things that you probably haven’t used in years. That’s probably true for the rest of your home too. Like Marie Kondo said, does it bring you joy? This can also be an opportunity for family bonding through team effort. Clear out what you don’t need and things that you find you don’t love anymore. You’ll find yourself appreciating and finding joy looking at different spaces that you clear up.

Dedicate your workspace

With many of us working at home, there are huge benefits to separating a dedicated workspace. Ideally, your workspace should be something like an office you can leave and close the door to at the end of the day. If that’s not possible, you can drape a throw over your work desk when you clock out so that work doesn’t beckon you while you’re relaxing in your home.

Calming visuals, calming hues

One of the simplest ways to add more zen to your home is to paint the walls. You can turn this into family bonding time and use the opportunity to pick a lovely calming colour palette: pastel hues and natural tones like cream or lilac. If you want to add some pops of colour, you can do so with some brightly coloured furniture pieces and décor.

Say hello to the sun

Daylight and natural light and giving it a chance to enter your home is a definite way to give yourself a mood boost. Arrange furniture in the best way to let the sunshine in. If it’s a cloudy day, you can make use of lamps that give off an amber-gold glow. Add a few mirrors to reflect some of that light into the dark and dim corners of your home.

Bring some outside nature inside.

Seeing and being around plants and greenery has been scientifically proven to improve moods, lower stress and high blood pressure, and speed up healing times. Don’t worry if you’re not green-thumbed; there are many low-maintenance options for indoor plants. Still, caring for these plants can also be therapeutic. If live plants are not for you, you can use dried plants or even other things like driftwood, shells, or river-smoothed stones.

Soothing smells for the soul

Aside from the smell of yummy home cooking, you can also stock up on scented candles to fit all kinds of moods. Essential oil diffusers and even some lovely indoor plants can do the trick for soothing scents.

When we want more zen in our home, we need to bring more calming aspects in colour, daylight, plants, or soothing scents. That also means we need to put effort into taking out or separating the things that can be a source of stress to us. It may take a little work, but having more zen in the home is always worth it.

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